The subject says it all really.
Does anyone know if there is a way to execute Progress ABL code that modifies a database (with OE auditing active) AND bypass OpenEdge's auditing functionality?
So say there is a database with auditing enabled and a user table called client with OpenEdge auditing set up to monitor for CRUD operations against the client table..
Is it possible to programmatically update the client table whilst making sure that no audit record is created?
If you are looking for something like "DISABLE TRIGGERS" then no, there is no built-in OpenEdge feature that allows an ordinary user to (temporarily) disable auditing.
An "audit administrator" can, of course, disable auditing:
but I don't think that is what you are looking for.
It is just software and bits and security is a never ending arms race so in theory a sufficiently dedicated attacker with deep pockets and a lot of time on their hands could probably do something evil. But that is no more or less true for OE Auditing than it would be for any other similar product.
Unless your real name is Bruce Schneier you are almost certainly better off with OE Auditing than you would be with a "home grown" solution.