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Extract Pronouns from text in R

sample_text <- ' Ramesh is my frien. He is a very good man' 

Now I need to extract all the Pronouns (PRP or PRP$) from my text

acqTag <- tagPOS(sample_text)

I get the following

 [1] "Ramesh/NNP is/VBZ my/PRP$ frien/NN ./. He/PRP is/VBZ a/DT very/RB good/JJ man/NN"
 [1] "NNP"  "VBZ"  "PRP$" "NN"   "."    "PRP"  "VBZ"  "DT"   "RB"   "JJ"   "NN"  

Now How do I get ony pronouns from here ? PRP or PRP$


  • What, exactly, do you want as the output? This seems to give what I think you want:

    prp <- str_extract_all(acqTag$POStagged,"\\w+/PRP\\$?")
    str_replace(unlist(prp), "/PRP\\$?", "")
    #[1] "my" "He"