This is what I use:
$dom = new DomDocument;
$xpath = new DomXPath($dom);
$weekday= $xpath->query('//*[@id="weather-weekly"]//div[@class="weekday"]');
$date= $xpath->query('//*[@id="weather-weekly"]//div[@class="s_date"]');
foreach ($weekday as $node4){
foreach ($date as $node3){
echo $node4->nodeValue,$node3->nodeValue,"<br>";}}
prints out day of the week sun, mon, tue...
and $node3->nodeValue
prints out day of the month, how do I make it print everything in the same column like this sat 23.07, sun 24.08...
? Thanks.
$xpath = new DomXPath($dom);
$days = $xpath->query('//*[@id="weather-weekly"]//div[@class="wbshort"]');
foreach ($days as $day) {
// find weekday and date under day
$weekday= $xpath->query('.//div[@class="weekday"]', $day);
$date= $xpath->query('.//div[@class="s_date"]', $day);
echo $weekday->item(0)->nodeValue . " " . $date->item(0)->nodeValue;