On main page of MODx site with snippet code
I get error:
Illegal string offset 'formid'
File : /home/users/account/domains/site/assets/snippets/eform/eform.inc.php
Line : 104
Source : $validFormId = ($formid==$_POST['formid'])?1:0;
Here is check on POST parameter although I call GET request when I try open main page.
The form handled by eForm on that page needs a hidden input with name="formid"
and value="forma_bron"
But since this is happening during a GET request, you have to change following code in eform.inc.php (around line 105)
$validFormId = ($formid==$_POST['formid'])?1:0;
$validFormId = (isset($_POST['formid']) && $formid == $_POST['formid']) ? 1 : 0;