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Error parsing googleapi address in JAVA

I want to parse the address that comes from this URL

This Json:

{"results" : [ {        "address_components" : [ {                 "long_name" : "Balearic Islands",                       "short_name" : "PM",                    "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ] },{     "long_name" : "Spain",       "short_name" : "ES",           "types" : [ "country", "political" ]    }],     "formatted_address" : "Balearic Islands, Spain",            "geometry" : {          "bounds" : {            "northeast" : {         "lat" : 40.0945744,         "lng" : 4.3277839 },        "southwest" : {         "lat" : 38.6404833,         "lng" : 1.1572405   }},     "location" : {      "lat" : 39.5341789,         "lng" : 2.8577105 },        "location_type" : "APPROXIMATE",        "viewport" : {      "northeast" : {         "lat" : 39.9625326,         "lng" : 3.4785808 },        "southwest" : {         "lat" : 39.1207608,         "lng" : 2.3031594 }}},      "partial_match" : true,         "place_id" : "ChIJV2Jp3FqSlxIRFU2l-yEDh_8",         "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ]    }],     "status" : "OK" }

and this classes

public class Result {

    private List<AddressComponent> addressComponents = new ArrayList<AddressComponent>();
    private String formattedAddress;
    private Geometry geometry;
    private String placeId;
    private List<String> types = new ArrayList<String>();

     * @return
     *     The addressComponents
    public List<AddressComponent> getAddressComponents() {
        return addressComponents;

     * @param addressComponents
     *     The address_components
    public void setAddressComponents(List<AddressComponent> addressComponents) {
        this.addressComponents = addressComponents;

     * @return
     *     The formattedAddress
    public String getFormattedAddress() {
        return formattedAddress;

     * @param formattedAddress
     *     The formatted_address
    public void setFormattedAddress(String formattedAddress) {
        this.formattedAddress = formattedAddress;

     * @return
     *     The geometry
    public Geometry getGeometry() {
        return geometry;

     * @param geometry
     *     The geometry
    public void setGeometry(Geometry geometry) {
        this.geometry = geometry;

     * @return
     *     The placeId
    public String getPlaceId() {
        return placeId;

     * @param placeId
     *     The place_id
    public void setPlaceId(String placeId) {
        this.placeId = placeId;

     * @return
     *     The types
    public List<String> getTypes() {
        return types;

     * @param types
     *     The types
    public void setTypes(List<String> types) {
        this.types = types;



public class AddressComponent {

    private String longName;
    private String shortName;
    private List<String> types = new ArrayList<String>();

     * @return
     *     The longName
    public String getLongName() {
        return longName;

     * @param longName
     *     The long_name
    public void setLongName(String longName) {
        this.longName = longName;

     * @return
     *     The shortName
    public String getShortName() {
        return shortName;

     * @param shortName
     *     The short_name
    public void setShortName(String shortName) {
        this.shortName = shortName;

     * @return
     *     The types
    public List<String> getTypes() {
        return types;

     * @param types
     *     The types
    public void setTypes(List<String> types) {
        this.types = types;



I parse it

GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create();

String jsonString = getGoogleMapsJsonString ();
Result result = gson.fromJson((jsonString), Result.class);  

But result.getAddressComponents() is empty and result.getFormattedAddress() is null


  • Your response json should be deserialized into following dto:

    public class Response {
        private Collection<Result> results;
        private String status;
        // getters/setter

    And than you can get result like:

        Response response = gson.fromJson((jsonString), Response.class);
        Collection<Result> res = response.getResults();
        for (Result result : res) {