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Ninjaframework MVC Controller inheritance and routing

In my Ninja Web Application,I've a generic controller for CRUD operation.

Generic Interface:

interface GenericController <T, PK> {
    Result read(PK id);

Abstract Controller:

abstract class AbstractController<T, PK extends Serializable> implements GenericController<T, PK>{
    public Result read(PK id) {
        return null;

Foo Controller:

public class FooController extends AbstractController<FooDto, Long>{
    public Result read(@PathParam("id") Long id) {

When I run my ninja webapp, this error occurred:

[NinjaJetty] ERROR ninja.RouteBuilder - Error in route configuration!!!
[NinjaJetty] ERROR ninja.RouteBuilder - Can not find Controller controllers.FooController and method read
[NinjaJetty] ERROR ninja.RouteBuilder - Hint: make sure the controller returns a ninja.Result!
[NinjaJetty] ERROR ninja.RouteBuilder - Hint: Ninja does not allow more than one method with the same name!
[NinjaJetty] ERROR ninja.RouteBuilder - Error in route configuration!!!
[NinjaJetty] ERROR ninja.RouteBuilder - Can not find Controller controllers.FooController and method read
[NinjaJetty] ERROR ninja.RouteBuilder - Hint: make sure the controller returns a ninja.Result!
[NinjaJetty] ERROR ninja.RouteBuilder - Hint: Ninja does not allow more than one method with the same name!
[NinjaJetty] ERROR ninja.RouteBuilder - Can not find Controller controllers.FooController and method read
[NinjaJetty] ERROR ninja.RouteBuilder - Hint: make sure the controller returns a ninja.Result!
[NinjaJetty] ERROR ninja.RouteBuilder - Hint: Ninja does not allow more than one method with the same name!

thanks in advance


  • It seems to be a java bug. see bug report java 8 and java 6.