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Julia - equivalent of R's rep() with times argument

I am looking for an idiomatic and compact way to achieve in Julia what I would do in R with

# 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5

i.e. replicate each element in vector v1 a number of times given by the corresponding element in vector v2. Any thoughts?


  • Try using VectorizedRoutines.jl:

    # Pkg.clone("")
    # Will be Pkg.add("VectorizedRoutines") after being added to package system
    using VectorizedRoutines
    v2 = 5:-1:1
    R.rep(v1,each = v2)

    The implementation is based off of RLEVectors.jl via the suggestion of aireties (improved the typing a bit so you don't have to collect).

    This is a package I started up to get together all the vectorized routines from R/MATLAB/Python so that porting functions (and ideas) easier to Julia. Feel free to open issues on the Github repository for suggestions of functions to implement, functions implemented in other packages I should know about, syntax not matching other languages, or if there are any other problems. Also feel free to give a pull request if you implement any functions like this. If you need help, don't be afraid make a pull request with the basic function and I can help you out.