I am trying to vectorize the following triple product operation on an N x N
array called p
for j in range(len(p)):
for k in range(len(p)):
for l in range(len(p)):
h[j, k, l] = p[j, k] * p[k, l] * p[l, j] - p[j, l] * p[l, k] * p[k, j]
I thought numpy.einsum
should be of use here, despite that I'm not actually summing over the repeated indices, but I haven't been able to pin it down. Thoughts?
Simply porting over those loop iterators as string notations, we would have an einsum
based solution like so -
h = np.einsum('jk,kl,lj->jkl',p,p,p) - np.einsum('jl,lk,kj->jkl',p,p,p)
Being basically an expansion related question (as we are not reducing any axis), we can simply use NumPy broadcasting
too by introducing new axes with None/np.newaxis
at various places for allowing the expansion, like so -
h = p[...,None]*p*p[:,None,:].T - p[:,None,:]*p.T*p.T[...,None]