Hello I am a new developer, I have this problem passing a root-scope parameter to my state using UI-Router.
Here is my href which i want to change it to ui-sref :
Here is my state:
.state('mycarts', {
url : '/mycarts/:id?vendors&' +
'price_to&price_from&manufacturer&' +
templateUrl : 'partials/mycarts.html',
controller : 'MyCartsController'
And this is how i passed parameter to controller:
$scope.id = $stateParams.id;
so basically everything for id parameter works fine but i need to pass other string query as well which are a lot , I don't know how to pass other string query to it what is the correct way of changing my href above to ui-sref.
I'd create an object for use in ui-sref
in your controller like so
$scope.linkParams = angular.extend({id: $scope.cats.id}, $scope.$root.filterParams);
(see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/function/angular.extend)
Then use it in ui-sref