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How do I configure cache-control for webjars in spring boot

I've seen a couple of existing answers but when I add the following all webjars start returning 404s. How can I configure cache control for all of my webjars?

public class HttpCacheControlConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {

    public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
        registry.addResourceHandler("/webjars/**").setCachePeriod( 3600 * 24 );


  • You haven't configured any resource locations for the handler. You need something like this:

            .setCachePeriod(3600 * 24);

    Alternatively, if you're happy for all of your static resources to have the same cache period then you don't need a WebMvcConfigurerAdapter as you can just configure it with a property in

    spring.resources.cache-period = 86400