Arrange the following functions in increasing order of growth rate (with g(n) following f(n) in your list if and only if f(n)=O(g(n))).
e)n^2 log(n)
So i think answer is in increasing order is
is it correct? i have confusion in option A and B.
i think option A should be at first place.. less one i mean so please help how to solve this.
This question I faced in algorithm course part 1 assignment (Coursera) .
Firstly, any positive power of n
is always greater than log n
, so E comes before C, not after.
Also, D comes after every other function, as either interpretation of 2^n^2
(could be 2^(n^2)
or (2^n)^2 = 2^(2n)
; I could be wrong in ignoring BIDMAS though...) are exponentials of n
Taking log
to be base a
, some arbitrary constant:
Thus, unfortunately, the actual order depends of the value of a
, e.g. if the value of
is greater than 2, then A comes after E, otherwise before. Curiously the base of the log term in E is irrelevant (it still maintains its place).