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Web scraping data from an interactive chart that changes with cursor position on the screen

I am trying to web scrape data from this url, On the page you see an interactive table who only shows the preflop actions if you move your cursor over the different squares. I checked the source code and all the info is in the class stat summary, but stat summary changes with cursor position. Is there a way to use lxml and requests to extrapolate the ENTIRE table? I am able to do it for a single position but not all.

My code so far:

from lxml import html
import requests
page = requests.get("")
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)


  • I have seen that there is no AJAX call to load that data behind graphs.

    Only way they can load that graph's data is from those JS files on their site.

    I suggest your to look over all the JS files and see how they are computing that values.

    Here are some of the JS files on their servers.


    You will have to spend a day studying data inside those files and you will figure out.