I'm using react-router-redux and I have a route like this
<Route path="/user/:userId" components={{ body: UserMaintenance }} />
Whats the recommended way to load user object corresponding to the userId parameter in the route?
My thoughts (I'm new to react & redux) would be to use the userId parameter in the UserMaintenance componentWillReceiveProps
method and dispatch a FETCH_USER
action to the store which will load into state.currentUser
. The UserMaintenance component would then update when the currentUser parameter is updated as a result of the action.
First you must decide if you want your URL to be the source of truth for the userId (I'd suggest so).
Then you know that whenever the URL/route changes, and at no other time, you will dispatch FETCH_USER
To change user from elsewhere within the app you just browserHistory.push('/user/1234')
and know that the change in URL will trigger an update to the store.
If you're happy with that, just dispatch the action in the route:
components={{ body: UserMaintenance }}
onEnter={state => {
key: state.params.userId,
If you're following this logic, you might not need react-router-redux
Interesting comments from the author of redux over here.