I have a working extension, but it the dev tool works once only, during initialization, which in manifest I have a content_script defined and that content_script injects a injected_script which relays a series of events
window.postMessage({ eventName: window.appName, ... [other details] })
and thru injected -> content -> background -> devtools, it gets to devtools.
But what if I want to re-run this injected script, say when I click a button on devtool panel, and what if I want to give some parameters for the data I expect to get back
// devtools.js
sendToInjectedScript({params: ['appName', 'location']})
// injectedScript.js
// accepts params
window.postMessage({message: params.map((p) => window[p]})
how would I do that?
You can run code in the inspected window using chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval or with chrome.tabs.executeScript. In your Dev Tools panel you can have a button that calls a function to execute a function call in the inspected window. I found a couple of (untested) methods for achieving this, but I'm not totally sure which is more appropriate.
Dev Tools Page:
function sendToInjectedScript(params) {
chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval('sendWindowParamData(' + message.params + '); + ');
sendToInjectedScript({params: ['appName', 'location']});
Injected Script:
function sendWindowParamData(params) {
window.postMessage({message: params.map((p) => window[p]});
"permissions": [
Dev Tools Page:
// Create a connection to the background page
var backgroundPageConnection = chrome.runtime.connect({
name: "devtools-page"
backgroundPageConnection.onMessage.addListener(function (message) {
// Handle responses from the background page, if any
function sendToInjectedScript(params) {
// Relay the tab ID to the background page
tabId: chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.tabId,
params: params
sendToInjectedScript({params: ['appName', 'location']});
Background Page:
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(function(devToolsConnection) {
// assign the listener function to a variable so we can remove it later
var devToolsListener = function(message, sender, sendResponse) {
// Inject a content script into the identified tab
chrome.tabs.executeScript(message.tabId, {
code: 'sendWindowParamData(' + message.params + ');'
// add the listener
devToolsConnection.onDisconnect.addListener(function() {
Injected Script:
function sendWindowParamData(params) {
window.postMessage({message: params.map((p) => window[p]});
"permissions": [
I haven't played around with these yet, so this is just some guesswork from looking at the API.