I'm trying to post the following raw data to mailgun using postman, My eventual intended use is to build the request into a freshdesk webhook which will POST raw JSON to a callback URL.
I've set postman to POST the following raw JSON
"from":"[email protected]"
"to":"[email protected]"
Im receiving the response:
"message": "'from' parameter is missing"
I'd love to know how I'm formatting the code incorrectly? Thanks
Looking at the following cURL example, you need to POST the data as x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data.
So to make this work in Postman, ensure the following:
Type = Basic Auth
Username = api
Password = [your API key]
Accept = text/json
from = [email protected]
to = [email protected]
subject = test
text = working?
To get this to work in Freshdesk you can kludge this a little in the webhook by setting a custom header to indicate x-www-form-urlencoded, then choosing the JSON encoding (so that you can write an "advanced" content string), and then writing your body content as a url-encoded query string.
This should work as long as you're not using any dynamic placeholder value that has characters needing to be escaped.
Here's a test I created that worked for me. It's hacky, but it might be enough for your purposes: