I have a huge data (4M x 17)
that has missing values. Two columns are categorical, rest all are numerical. I want to use MICE package for missing value imputation. This is what I tried:
> testMice <- mice(myData[1:100000,]) # runs fine
> testTot <- predict(testMice, myData)
Error in UseMethod("predict") :
no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class "mids"
Running the imputation on whole dataset was computationally expensive, so I ran it on only the first 100K observations. Then I am trying to use the output to impute the whole data.
Is there anything wrong with my approach? If yes, what should I do to make it correct? If no, then why am I getting this error?
Neither mice
nor hmisc
provide the parameter estimates from the imputation process. Both Amelia
and imputeMulti
do. In both cases, you can extract the parameter estimates and use them for imputing your other observations.
assumes your data are distributed as a multivariate normal (eg. X \sim N(\mu, \Sigma). imputeMulti
assumes that your data is distributed as a multivariate multinomial distribution. That is the complete cell counts are distributed (X \sim M(n,\theta)) where n is the number of observations.Fitting can be done as follows, via example data. Examining parameter estimates is shown further below.
data(tract2221, package= "imputeMulti")
test_dat2 <- tract2221[, c("gender", "marital_status","edu_attain", "emp_status")]
# fitting
IM_EM <- multinomial_impute(test_dat2, "EM",conj_prior = "non.informative", verbose= TRUE)
amelia_EM <- amelia(test_dat2, m= 1, noms= c("gender", "marital_status","edu_attain", "emp_status"))
function are found in amelia_EM$mu
and amelia_EM$theta
. imputeMulti
are found in IM_EM@mle_x_y
and can be accessed via the get_parameters
method. imputeMulti
has noticeably higher imputation accuracy for categorical data relative to either of the other 3 packages, though it only accepts multinomial (eg. factor
) data.
All of this information is in the currently unpublished vignette for imputeMulti
. The paper has been submitted to JSS and I am awaiting a response before adding the vignette to the package.