So the below query works just fine, but not finding a way to not duplicate that where clause in the subquery and the outer one:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE --Cannot change this as it is hardcoded in ArcGIS layer definition, only can access WHERE
objectid IN (
SELECT objectid
FROM table a
SELECT id, MIN(seq) as seq, --zone
FROM table b
WHERE zone IN ( 'ZONE2', 'ZONE3', 'ZONE4') GROUP BY id) c
ON =
AND a.seq = c.seq
--AND =
WHERE zone IN ( 'ZONE2', 'ZONE3', 'ZONE4')
I essentially want to do something like the commented out pieces which would allow dropping the outer duplicated where clause... but that of course doesn't work because there is no group by.
We have about 15 variations of the zones in the WHERE clause and they will slowly change over time. So just trying to minimize the duplication which might help the long term reliability of switching them out.
Thanks a lot for any ideas and help!
Have you looked using a common table expression (CTE)
A CTE is kind of like a reusable subquery.