currently I am trying to run a Celery task within a pyramid file using pycelery with a Redis url which itself is an environment variable, so I try declaring it as follows
but when I run it I get the error
which suggests that the BROKER_URL
isn't recognizing the environment variable. But earlier in the file I'm able to declare
redis.url = ${REDIS_URL}
just fine . Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Unfortunately INI setting parsing is not harmonized across Python applications and libaries. The environment variable expansion usually happens on library level, not on INI parsing level.
Thus, pyramid_redis
supports environment variables. But unless pyramid_celery
adds explicit environment variable support, it doesn't happen.
pyramid_celery repository is here. I suggest you add an issue regarding this. Meanwhile you can either configure Celery by hand in Python code (not using ini) or use hardcoded value.