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How to unbind/off jQuery event when window resize

I am trying to delete a jquery event when the window gets >490. However, the unblind() or off() elements do not deactivate the action activated when the window gets smaller than 490px. Why is this? Does anyone knows any method to make a selection return to its original state?


    if ($(window).width()<490) {
        $("body div hidden").toggle('slow');

    else if ($(window).widht()>=490) {
        $("body div hidden").unbind();



  • Here is how you can achieve your desired, the below code will unbind the hide event based on the screen size.

    var eventPresent = false;
     console.log("current width : ", $(window).width());
    if ($(window).width()<490 && eventPresent == false) 
     eventPresent  = true;
    else if ($(window).width()>=490 && eventPresent == true) 
       eventPresent = false;     
     <script   src=""   integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44="   crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
     <a id="shown">click me to hide text</a>
    <div id="divText">
    You can not toggle me if screen is more than 490 px wide

    P.S Run the snippet in full page mode.