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cx_Freeze doesn't print to console

I have an application that prints a few things to the console upon running. But as a standalone the executable doesn't print anything to the console?

The script looks like this:

import sys
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable

    name = "My App",
    version = "1.0",
    options = {
        "build_exe" : {
            "include_files": ['MyImgs']
    executables = [Executable("", base = "Win32GUI")]

On the command line I run the following: py build

I then find the executable and run: Main.exe.

What I am missing for some reason is any print() statements. Is there something I need to include in the setup script for this to happen?


  • If you use the "Win32GUI" base, then Windows does not make available stdout and stderr. You will need to redirect those yourself to some other location (such as a file). If you use the "Console" base then stdout and stderr are available and print() will work as expected -- but you will see a console created for you if you haven't run it from a console in the first place!