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How to join value from related table to Laravel eloquent collection?

I have one table ITEMS (sku, title) and other HISTORY (sku,points,startdate). Table HISTORY serves as history for item points changes.

I would like to join latest points when calling

$items = \App\Items::all();

Which is best way to do it?

I know i can make custom attribute, but it seems that then i have too many queries (since for each item it will make aditional query?)

Also i can make relation:

public function points()
        return $this->hasOne('App\History','sku','sku')->orderBy('startdate','DESC');

But is there better way? br Y


  • Since you only want the latest record, the best option is the hasOne relationship you've shown. That way, the relationship can be eager loaded, so you're only calling 2 queries, instead of N+1 queries.


    public function currentPoints()
        return $this->hasOne('App\History','sku','sku')->orderBy('startdate','DESC');


    $items = \App\Items::with('currentPoints')->get();