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Rename "unins000.exe" in Inno Setup by editing Install.pas Delphi Unit

I want to make my Inno Setup Script create uninstaller.exe files for Uninstallation, not the unins000.exe by modifying the Source Code of Inno Setup Compiler 5.5.9 Unicode.

I opened the Delphi Unit Install.pas which have these codes:

procedure GenerateUninstallInfoFilename;
    ExistingFiles: array[0..999] of Boolean;
    BaseDir: String;

    procedure FindFiles;
      H: THandle;
      FindData: TWin32FindData;
      S: String;
      H := FindFirstFile(PChar(AddBackslash(BaseDir) + 'unins???.*'),
      if H <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin
          S := FindData.cFilename;
          if (Length(S) >= 9) and (CompareText(Copy(S, 1, 5), 'unins') = 0) and
         CharInSet(S[6], ['0'..'9']) and CharInSet(S[7], ['0'..'9']) and CharInSet(S[8], ['0'..'9']) and
         (S[9] = '.') then
            ExistingFiles[StrToInt(Copy(S, 6, 3))] := True;
        until not FindNextFile(H, FindData);

procedure GenerateFilenames(const I: Integer);
  BaseFilename: String;
  BaseFilename := AddBackslash(BaseDir) + Format('unins%.3d', [I]);
  UninstallExeFilename := BaseFilename + '.exe';
  UninstallDataFilename := BaseFilename + '.dat';
  UninstallMsgFilename := BaseFilename + '.msg';

I want to change this code to create uninstaller.exe , uninstaller.dat , uninstaller.msg files when the Setup saves Uninstall Information.

So, if setup detects the old uninstaller.exe when trying to reinstall my program without uninstalling its any old Installation, Setup should detect that old uninstaller.exe and overwrite it without any user Confirmation.

Compiler Used: CodeGear RAD Studio with Delphi 2009 Update 4.

I like to know how can I do this.I will do this for testing purpose only.

After Renaming the unins000.exe to uninstaller.exe , looks like Inno Setup can't find uninstall log files or any other error.........

Setup Crashes on second re-installation over an old installation

Thank You For Your Help.


  • I suppose you have at least very basic programming skills:

    Put a breakpoint on line UninstallExeFilename := BaseFilename + '.exe';

    Check the BaseFilename variable using Watch in IDE. What does it say?

    It should be 'uninstaller' to match your requirement. If it is different them simply watch BaseFilename variable and check the value assigned to it.

    The line that changes this variable to numbers can be commented out or modified.