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How to dynamically access user-entered Input-field-data, in Javascript or J-Query

HELP!!.... I can't dynamically access data entered by users into Input fields!

I'm a curriculum-designer trying to make a 'Matching'-activity (18-questions-with-18-scrambled-up-possible-answers), in which answer-choices get dynamically crossed out, 1 by 1, as they get 'used up' by the student, whenever (s)he types the letter of that choice (in this case "r") into the input-field. Here's the HTML for 1 of those 18 matches: (Hint: Pay attention to the "id"-attributes)


<input title="Question 18 - type 'R' into this input field" 
    class="questions" maxlength="1" id="18" onblur="My_Blur_Fx(this);">   

<span class="r_as_selected, choices" id="r">  <!--I use the first class ('r_as_selected') in the J-Query example below, and the 2nd class ('choices') in the Javascript example below.-->
    [Choice] R. (**All this span should soon be crossed-out.**) 

I thought I could pull this off with a "change" event. However, neither my Javascript, nor my J-Query seems to be able to do it, because neither one can dynamically access the user's typed-in input (the very stuff that PHP would normally access via GET or POST).


My J-Query-attempt to dynamically access this user-entered input...


            .eq(1).css({'color': 'red', 'text-decoration': 'line-through'})

...failed because, although it could cross out the '#r' answer-choice, yet it would ALSO cross it out whenever they typed in ANYTHING....So the [value='r'] part of the code wasn't able to target JUST the field where someone had typed 'r'.


My Javascript-attempt to dynamically access this user-entered input...

    function My_Blur_Fx(x) {
        var userInput = document.getElementById(x).value;      
        var userChoices = document.getElementsByClassName("choices").id;

        var i;
        for(i = 0; i < 18; i++)
                { if (userChoices[i].attributes[1].value == userInput) {
                        /*Note: "attributes[1] is my way of accessing the 2nd attribute in the HTML span above, which is 'id="r"'*/ 
                    userChoices[i].style.textDecoration = "line-through";};

...failed too because an 'Input' is an "Element" whose "Value," is defined by the DOM to be "NULL," line 3 above gives an error. Neither could any of the other potentially-relevant DOM-modifiers, instead of .value (i.e. .innerHTML / .nodeValue / .attributes) access that user-entered value. So it seems that 'Input' elements just can't be accessed dynamically. . . . ( Any suggestions...J-Query, Javascript, or other? )


  • You can't use an attribute selector to match user input, it only matches the static attributes, not the dynamic values. You can use .filter() to search for an element that matches a selector and has a specific value.

    $("input").change(function() {
        $("input").filter(function() {
            return this.value == 'r';
            .eq(1).css({'color': 'red', 'text-decoration': 'line-through'});

    You have several problems in MyBlurFx().

    1. document.getElementById(x).value won't work beceause x is the element, not its ID. You should just use x.value.
    2. document.getElementsByClassName("choices").id won't work because getElementsByClassName() returns a NodeList, not a single element, so it doesn't have an id property. But you don't need the ID, just use document.getElementsByClassName("choices"), since the for loop operates on the elements, not IDs.