From phpMyAdmin, I was exporting the functions/procedures used by the user assigned to a particular database and 3 functions didnt get exported because they were created by the 'superadmin'.
I was able to see these functions within
localhost > database_name -> Structure -> Routines
BUT, I was not able to modify their structure or export them.
The problem was happening because these 3 functions were created by the superuser. When exporting from the superuser account, everything got exported properly.
My question is: as a process, how can I ensure that this doesn't happen again in the future - that someone accidentally creates it as a superadmin (and the site would continue to work fine), but when we try exporting it, the function doesnt get exported (and the new site would stop working).
Restricting access to the superuser account would be the first step I would take. By restricting superuser access you guarantee that no one makes that mistake again. Is there a reason someone would need to be in the database working as a superuser?