I have a SKSpriteNode create with the level generator.
I need to create exactly the same shape using CGPath.
self.firstSquare = childNodeWithName("square") as! SKSpriteNode
var transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(self.firstSquare.zRotation)
let rect = CGRect(origin: self.firstSquare.position, size: self.firstSquare.size)
let firstSquareCGPath:CGPath=CGPathCreateWithRect(rect, &transform)
=> firstSquare position (52.8359451293945, -52.9375076293945)
To check if my CGPath has been created as I want, I created a SKShapeNode with my CGPath:
let shape:SKShapeNode=SKShapeNode(path:path)
shape.fillColor = self.getRandomColor()
=> shape position (52.8359451293945, -52.9375076293945)
The result is not what I expected.
So I don't know if my CGPath is wrong, or if it's when I convert it in SKShapeNode that I lose the initial sprite properties.
To understand why I need to do that, please read this stack
EDIT 1,2
I added:
shape.position = self.firstSquare.position
And I obtained:
EDIT 3 :
I updated my explanations above, the anchor point of my firstSquare is now (0.5, 0.5)
I found a solution, I need to use SKShapeNode(path:, centered:), then apply the transformation and set the position.
self.firstSquare = childNodeWithName("square") as! SKSpriteNode
let firstSquareCGPath:CGPath=CGPath(rect: CGRect(origin: self.firstSquare.position, size: self.firstSquare.size), transform: nil)
let shape:SKShapeNode=SKShapeNode(path: firstSquareCGPath, centered: true) //important
shape.zRotation = self.firstSquare.zRotation
shape.position = self.firstSquare.position
shape.fillColor = SKColor.blue()
It works perfectly!
Just a pending question, as I set the transformation and the position in last (because of the SKShapeNode properties), I don't know if my CGPath above is set correctly (like my SKSpriteNode).