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Two cxGrids: cxGridDBTableView1 applies only to one grid?

I have two cxgrid's on my form (cxGrid1 and cxGrid2). Both have the NewItemRow.Visible.

Now, I want to remove NewItemRow from cxGrid2. Calling :


removes NewItemRow from cxGrid1 and not from the one I want (cxGrid2). How can I apply this to cxGrid2 ?


  • It is obvious from your q and your replies to readers' comments that there is something amiss in the declaration of your form. A newly created form with cxGrids placed on it in the usual way (by selecting the cxGrid on the Component Palette and dropping two instances of it onto the form) does not exhibit the compilation problem, nor the aberrant behaviour you describe. Try it and you will see what I mean.

    Below is the code and .DFM extract of a project which has two TcxGrids, one with a visible NewItemRow, one without. This example project is for D7 using v.15 of the cxGrid, which is the highest version number which supports D7. I've done it in D7 as you didn't say what Delphi version you are using.

    I've deliberately set up as many of the component properties, etc, as I could in code, so you can see what is going on and how it is done.

    If you try it, you will find that it compiles without the error message you mention in one of your comments and behaves as intended. Therefore I can only assume that there is some error in your naming or declaration of components and/or in your code that we readers can't see in what you've included in your q.

    The best I can suggest you do to unravel your problem is to start with a blank form and drop 2 cxGrids onto it. Save and view the resulting DFM and confirm to yourself that the 2cxGrids and their subcomponents (cxGridDBTableView and cxGridLevel) are correctly and distinctly named, and then do a DIFF between that DFM and your project's one to identify where they diverge.

      TForm1 = class(TForm)
        cxGrid1DBTableView1: TcxGridDBTableView;
        cxGrid1Level1: TcxGridLevel;
        cxGrid1: TcxGrid;
        cxGrid2DBTableView1: TcxGridDBTableView;
        cxGrid2Level1: TcxGridLevel;
        cxGrid2: TcxGrid;
        CDS1: TClientDataSet;
        DataSource1: TDataSource;
        DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator;
        DBNavigator2: TDBNavigator;
        DBGrid1: TDBGrid;
        CDS1ID: TIntegerField;
        CDS1Name: TStringField;
        procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      Field : TField;
      Field := TIntegerField.Create(Self);
      Field.FieldName := 'ID';
      Field.FieldKind := fkData;
      Field.DataSet := CDS1;
      Field := TStringField.Create(Self);
      Field.FieldName := 'Name';
      Field.Size := 20;
      Field.FieldKind := fkData;
      Field.DataSet := CDS1;
      CDS1.InsertRecord([1, 'One']);
      DBNavigator1.DataSource := DataSource1;
      DBNavigator2.DataSource := DataSource1;
      cxGrid1DBTableView1.DataController.DataSource := DataSource1;
      cxGrid2DBTableView1.DataController.DataSource := DataSource1;
      //  The following creates default columns for the grids
      cxGrid1DBTableView1.NewItemRow.Visible:= True;
      cxGrid2DBTableView1.NewItemRow.Visible:= False;

    DFM extract

    object Form1: TForm1
      object cxGrid1: TcxGrid
        Left = 24
        Top = 16
        Width = 250
        Height = 200
        TabOrder = 0
        object cxGrid1DBTableView1: TcxGridDBTableView
          Navigator.Buttons.CustomButtons = <>
          DataController.DataSource = DataSource1
          DataController.KeyFieldNames = 'ID'
          DataController.Summary.DefaultGroupSummaryItems = <>
          DataController.Summary.FooterSummaryItems = <>
          DataController.Summary.SummaryGroups = <>
        object cxGrid1Level1: TcxGridLevel
          GridView = cxGrid1DBTableView1
      object cxGrid2: TcxGrid
        Left = 32
        Top = 280
        Width = 250
        Height = 200
        TabOrder = 1
        object cxGrid2DBTableView1: TcxGridDBTableView
          Navigator.Buttons.CustomButtons = <>
          DataController.DataSource = DataSource1
          DataController.KeyFieldNames = 'ID'
          DataController.Summary.DefaultGroupSummaryItems = <>
          DataController.Summary.FooterSummaryItems = <>
          DataController.Summary.SummaryGroups = <>
        object cxGrid2Level1: TcxGridLevel
          GridView = cxGrid2DBTableView1
      object DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator
        Left = 40
        Top = 232
        Width = 240
        Height = 25
        TabOrder = 2
      object DBNavigator2: TDBNavigator
        Left = 40
        Top = 496
        Width = 240
        Height = 25
        TabOrder = 3
      object CDS1: TClientDataSet
        Aggregates = <>
        Params = <>
      object DataSource1: TDataSource
        DataSet = CDS1