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Checking if build macro already processed ancestor node

Assume you have type-building macro, interface invoking @:autoBuild using aforementioned macro, class implementing the interface and class extending it. Macro will fail if the class doesn't contain specific method.

Like so:



import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
import haxe.macro.Type;

class Macro
    macro public function build():Array<Field>
        var fields = Context.getBuildFields();

        for (field in fields) {
            if ( == "hello") {
                //Do some modifications

                return fields;       

        Context.error('${Context.getLocalClass().toString()} doesn\'t contain a method `hello`', Context.currentPos());

        return null;



interface I {}



class Foobar implements I
    public function new() {}

    public function hello(person:String)
        return 'Hello $person!';



class Foo extends Foobar {}

As you can see, we're checking if field "hello" exists. However, Context.getBuildFields contains only fields of current class, and build will fail for Foo.

This is where my idea comes in: Why not just check if any ancestor was already processed? We'll change Macro.hx to reflect just that:



import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
import haxe.macro.Type;

class Macro
    macro public function build():Array<Field>
        var c = Context.getLocalClass().get();
        if(isAncestorAlreadyProcessed(c)) {
            return null;

        var fields = Context.getBuildFields();

        for (field in fields) {
            if ( == "hello") {
                //Do some modifications

                c.meta.add(":processed", [], c.pos);  

                return fields;       

        Context.error('${Context.getLocalClass().toString()} doesn\'t contain a method `hello`', Context.currentPos());

        return null;

    private static function isAncestorAlreadyProcessed(c:ClassType)
        if (c.meta.has(":processed")) return true;
        if (c.superClass == null) return false;

        return isAncestorAlreadyProcessed(c.superClass.t.get());

And for the main questions: Do I misunderstand haxe macro type building? Is there a more viable way of making this work? Does my code fail in specific scenarios? Are there any harmful side-effects caused by this code?

I'm trying to resolve this issue.


  • No, this is the way to go, use metadata to store information of the classes you processed (source).

    Another way, if you don't need this information at runtime, is to use a static array on a dedicated class like here. Afterwards, you can even push this information in your compiled code, see here.

    Hope that helps.