I am trying to search an extremely large Cache DB for columns that match a particular text string. In T-SQL, we could simply query the sys.columns view and then join it to sys.tables to get the name of all tables that have a column that matches the text we're looking for.
SELECT b.name AS table_name, a.name AS column_name
FROM sys.columns a
INNER JOIN sys.tables b ON a.object_id = b.object_id
WHERE b.type = 'U' AND a.name LIKE '%SEARCHTEXT%'
, but I haven't figured out how to limit the result set to user-defined classes. Is there a particular property that will limit the result set as desired? Perhaps a pattern on the class name?
This query:
parent AS class,
parent->SqlQualifiedNameQ As table_name,
name AS property
FROM %Dictionary.CompiledProperty
WHERE NOT parent->id %STARTSWITH '%'
Executed in every namespace beyond %SYS
would return user defined tables (system tables start with %
, users should not use table names starting with %