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Angular 2 RC4 Router get intended route before activated

I am trying to determine what the route is before it is activated so I can cache it and redirect the user back to that route after they have logged in.

In the old beta router I was able to call ComponentInstruction.routeName in the activate hook but in the newer canActivate() guard I do not see a way to access the intended route before it is activated.

I could store the intended route in a shared service when the user clicks on a navagtion button in my app but what about when they enter the URL in the address bar?


  • From angular router source files:

    export interface CanDeactivate<T> {
      canDeactivate(component: T,
       state:RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<boolean> | boolean;

    ActivatedRouteSnapshot object (route) has url property - array of another type, in first object in property path your current path.

    Also inside RouterStateSnapshot object (state) has just string property url with current path, but with / prefix on it.

    Simply pass those arguments to your canDeactivate method )