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Shifting history in command-pattern with undo/redo?

I'm having a problem concerning a command pattern with undo/redo function. The simple problem is, when my history is full, I want to remove the least recently used command from the history and add the new one on execute.

I got this code snippet from my professor:

public class CommandHistory implements CommandInterface{

private static final int MAX_COMMANDS = 2;

private Command[] history = new Command[MAX_COMMANDS];

private int current = -1;

public void execute(Command command) {

    if (current == MAX_COMMANDS){                     // if full, then shift
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COMMANDS - 1; i++){
            history[i] = history[i+1];

    history[current] = command;

In really doubt the if-clause is incorrect, because the current command index remains 2 and only command at index 0 is shifted to 1. But he says this is the way to go. What am I missing?


  • The loop itself is fine, but two problems:

    1. You're quite correct that when current == MAX_COMMANDS is true and you do the loop, current is incorrect and needs adjusting.

    2. From a maintenance perspective, current == MAX_COMMANDS is the wrong comparison, it should be current == history.length. (Otherwise, it's easy to change the initialization of history to use something other than MAX_COMMANDS but forget to change every check like current == MAX_COMMANDS.)

    I would check current before incrementing it, and only increment it if you're not shifting the contents down:

    public void execute(Command command) {
        if (current == history.length - 1){                     // if full, then shift
            for (int i = 0; i < history.length - 1; i++) {
                history[i] = history[i+1];
        } else {
        history[current] = command;