This is the view before submit :
After i fill the form and submit it, the entry records still there when i using volt.
how can i clear it ? This is my Form :
class BataorderForm extends \Phalcon\Forms\Form{
public function initialize(){
$protComsId = new Select('protComsId',CompanyMaster::find(),[
'class' => 'btn btn-default btn-block',
'using' => ['comsId','comsName'],
'useEmpty' => true,
'emptyText' => '-- Choose Company --',
'emptyValue' => ''
$protComsId->setLabel('Company Master');
To reset every element in a form you have to call the method clear()
Example controller usage:
$form = new YourForm();
if ($this->request->isPost() AND $this->security->checkToken() AND $form->isValid($this->request->getPost())) {
// Form is valid
} else {
// Form is not valid. Let's reset it to annoy our user :)
$this->view->form = $form;
More info on form methods in the Documentation.