I am using Phantom 1.26.6.
// id is the primary key
case class Motorcycle(id:String, model:String, made:String, capacity:Int)
Give an instance of Motorcycle, which already exists in Cassandra, I would like to update the value of model, made, capacity.
// The following does not compile.
// The following works.
val updateQuery = update.where(_.id.eqs(bike.id))
for {
_ <- updateQuery.modify(_.model.setTo(bike.model)).future()
_ <- updateQuery.modify(_.make.setTo(bike.made)).future()
result <- updateQuery.modify(_.capacity.setTo(bike.capacity)).future()
} yield (result)
I wonder if there ia a better way of updating multiple fields.
Thanks in advance for any assistance !
All you have to do is to use the and
operator to chain multiple update statements. This will execute everything in a single query.
val updateQuery = update.where(_.id eqs bike.id)
.modify(_model setTo bike.model)
.and(_.make setTo bike.made)
.and(_.capacity setTo bike.capacity)