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Univocity - parse each TSV file row to different Type of class object

I have a tsv file which has fixed rows but each row is mapped to different Java Class.

For example.

recordType  recordValue1
recordType  recordValue1 recordValue2

for First row I have follofing class:

public class FirstRow implements ItsvRecord {

    @Parsed(index = 0)
    private String recordType;

    @Parsed(index = 1)
    private String recordValue1;

    public FirstRow() {

and for second row I have:

public class SecondRow implements ItsvRecord {

    @Parsed(index = 0)
    private String recordType;

    @Parsed(index = 1)
    private String recordValue1;

    public SecondRow() {

I want to parse the TSV file directly to the respective objects but I am falling short of ideas.


  • Use an InputValueSwitch. This will match a value in a particular column of each row to determine what RowProcessor to use. Example:

    Create two (or more) processors for each type of record you need to process:

    final BeanListProcessor<FirstRow> firstProcessor = new BeanListProcessor<FirstRow>(FirstRow.class);
    final BeanListProcessor<SecondRow> secondProcessor = new BeanListProcessor<SecondRow>(SecondRow.class);

    Create an InputValueSwitch:

    //0 means that the first column of each row has a value that 
    //identifies what is the type of record you are dealing with
    InputValueSwitch valueSwitch = new InputValueSwitch(0);
    //assigns the first processor to rows whose first column contain the 'firstRowType' value
    valueSwitch.addSwitchForValue("firstRowType", firstProcessor);
    //assigns the second processor to rows whose first column contain the 'secondRowType' value
    valueSwitch.addSwitchForValue("secondRowType", secondProcessor);

    Parse as usual:

    TsvParserSettings settings = new TsvParserSettings(); //configure...
    // your row processor is the switch
    TsvParser parser = new TsvParser(settings);
    Reader input = new StringReader(""+
            "firstRowType\trecordValue1\n" +

    Get the parsed objects from your processors:

    List<FirstRow> firstTypeObjects = firstProcessor.getBeans();
    List<SecondRow> secondTypeObjects = secondProcessor.getBeans();

    The output will be*:

    [FirstRow{recordType='firstRowType', recordValue1='recordValue1'}]
    [SecondRow{recordType='secondRowType', recordValue1='recordValue1', recordValue2='recordValue2'}]
    • Assuming you have a sane toString() implemented in your classes

    If you want to manage associations among the objects that are parsed:

    If your FirstRow should contain the elements parsed for records of type SecondRow, simply override the rowProcessorSwitched method:

        InputValueSwitch valueSwitch = new InputValueSwitch(0) {
        public void rowProcessorSwitched(RowProcessor from, RowProcessor to) {
            if (from == secondProcessor) {
                List<FirstRow> firstRows = firstProcessor.getBeans();
                FirstRow mostRecentRow = firstRows.get(firstRows.size() - 1);
    • The above assumes your FirstRow class has a addRowsOfOtherType method that takes a list of SecondRow as parameter.

    And that's it!

    You can even mix and match other types of RowProcessor. There's another example here that demonstrates this.

    Hope this helps.