Search code examples

Watson Visual Recognition error code 400

I am trying to classify an image and following this doc. Here is my cURL command :

curl -X POST -F "images_file=~/fish.jpg" ""

I am getting this response from the Watson:

  "error" : {
     "code": 400,
     "description": "No images were specified.",
     "error_id": "input_error"

My image is in C:/User/Rajesh Kumar/ and cURL is executing in Rajesh Kumar@RAJESH_KUMAR ~. I know the problem is in the cURL command but don't know what. Please help me to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance!


  • Make sure you are in the same directory as fish.jpg. Then run this command (replace API Key):

    curl -X POST -F "[email protected]" "{api-key}&version=2016-05-20"

    Don't use the tilda.

    Just tried it out and it worked--here are the steps:

    Step 1:

    Download this file, and save it as fish.jpg:


    Step 2:

    Make sure you're in the right directory:


    Step 3:

    Replace your API Key in this command and run it:

    curl -X POST -F "[email protected]" "{api-key}&version=2016-05-20"

    Step 4:

    ☺ ☺ ☺
