This code:
((1 to: 10)
inject: (WriteStream on: String new)
into: [ :strm :each |
((each rem: 3) = 0)
ifTrue: [
nextPutAll: each printString;
yourself ]]) contents
fails because strm
is undefined where it is used in the ifTrue:
block. Why is it not visible there?
Edit: I tried it out in VASt and Pharo.
The problem is that the implied ifFalse:
branch returns nil
. To fix this, try the following:
((1 to: 10)
inject: (WriteStream on: String new)
into: [ :strm :each |
((each rem: 3) = 0)
ifFalse: [strm] "This is needed to avoid nil being returned"
ifTrue: [
nextPutAll: each printString;
yourself ]]) contents