I am using TIBCO Designer 5.11 and I can build the ear using the designer based on the .archive file in my project. However, for automated builds and deployment, I would like to do the same through command line. I have multiple .archive files in my project and would like to build only a specific ear at a particular time.
There are the utilities "BuildEar" (to build ears) and "AppManage" to deploy/undeploy in your tra/tra-version/bin folder of your TIBCO installation. They are executable on commandline & could be scripted in an automated build/deployment script.
Building one specific archive within a project would look like this:
buildear.exe -o c:\temp\abc124.ear -ear /abc124.archive -p c:\temp\SampleService
(Check the help by simply executing the commands on commandline). Hope that helps
Cheers Seb