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Office365 authentication without login redirection

I'm trying to load data from Office365 email without need for user interaction. I've created Azure App and I have Client ID and Client secret. I also have user information (email + password).

I need to call Office365 API to download emails from mailbox. But I need application to download them in background without user interaction (redirecting to MS/Office365 login page) to get authenticated/logged into mailbox.

Is there any way how to do this only through Office API, without need of redirection?

Thanks for any info.


  • Yes, you are able to create a daemon service app using the Client Credential flow to authenticate the app.

    Here is a code sample to retrieve the mails using Microsoft Graph SDK with this flow:

    string clientId = "";
    string clientsecret = "";
    string tenant = "";
    string resourceURL = "";
    string authority = "" + tenant + "/oauth2/token";
    string userMail = "[email protected]";
    var credential = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientsecret);
    AuthenticationContext authContext =new AuthenticationContext(authority);
    var authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resourceURL, credential);
    var graphserviceClient = new GraphServiceClient(
    new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(
       (requestMessage) =>
           requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", authResult.AccessToken);
           return Task.FromResult(0);
    var items = await graphserviceClient.Users[userMail].Messages.Request().OrderBy("receivedDateTime desc").GetAsync();
    foreach (var item in items)

    And we need to register the app on the Azure AD portal and grant the app Mail.Read scope like figure below: enter image description here

    Refer to here for more detail about calling Microsoft Graph in a service or daemon app