I'm trying to compile all my packages except two of them, here is what my javac in build.xml looks like
<javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${output}" debug="${debug}" failonerror="yes" >
<exclude name="com/abc/uyyy/**"/>
<exclude name="com/abc/zzz/**"/>
<include name="com/abc/zzz/Text.java"/>
<patternset refid="excluded.from.compilation.abc"/>
<classpath refid="abc.module.classpath"/>
But all the files in package are compiled :(.
I've read the documentation (http://ant.apache.org/manual/Tasks/javac.html
), but still no success, any help?
NOTE: After the Text.java is compiled, I need to build the WSDL file and then build the excluded packages. I'm using Metro to write and build my WS.
Ok here is what I did,I wrote a new target to compile only the WS file and then generate the classes, it works fine :)
<target name="compile-ws-server">
<javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${output}"
debug="${debug}" failonerror="yes">
<include name="com/abc/xxx/Text.java"/>
<exclude name="${src}/abc/xxx/**"/>
<classpath refid="abc.module.classpath"/>