The code below will not work because the program won't know if the trial number we are on is divisible by 20. Basically, I want to check if the trial = 20, 40, 60, etc. and if so, have the subject take a break if they wish.
numTrials = 345;
for trial = 1:ntrials
% Take a break every 20 trials, subject can press space key to move on
if mod(trial, 20) == 0
breakText = ['Take a break or press the spacebar to continue'];
while doc < 30 && ~keyPress
DrawFormattedText(window, breakText, 'center', 'center', black)
Screen('Flip', window);
if (keyCode(spaceKey) == 1)
Thanks in advance!
You can use either mod
or rem
to determine if a number is divisible by another. For positive numbers, they both return the remainder after dividing two numbers. If a number is perfectly divisible by another, the remainder will be zero.
is_divisible_by_20 = rem(number, 20) == 0
This will evaluate to true for numbers which are perfectly divisible by 20 so you can put it in place of the condition on the if statement.
if rem(number, 20) == 0
% Take a break