I am trying to use tool Percona to see inconsistencies of data on Master-Slave MySQL instances. Master and Slave are on different servers. I tried to run pt-table-checksum using recursion method as process-list below is the error:
I tried to run pt-table-checksum using recursion method as dsn method below is the error:
bxxmysqld1 master : : bxxxxd02my1
bxxmysqld2 slave : : bxxxxd02my2
I am not sure what configuration I can try now. Any suggestions and ideas are helpful. Please suggest if I can try other recursion method. Thank you!
References: https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-toolkit/2.2/pt-table-checksum.html
Have you tried connecting to your slave from master? in first example seems user might not have permissions to connect to slave, try this: mysql -uptc -psecret -h10.200.213.92 to see if you can connect, if not then you need to provide access to master host (i.e. via grant command allowing host In second option you need to remove socket options because they are only for localhost connections, still the recommendations to review if host is allowed to connect to slave applies. Hope this helps.