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wrong borders' width in android browser

On android devices with high density screens (devicePixelRatio of 1.5) the borders of html elements have wrong border width.

The two boxes here: jsbin sample, appear correctly on the desktop

but on the android - both in chrome and the stack browser - they look like this:

enter image description here

now i understand why they look like this, but i cannot find any CSS solution - only js.

the js solution would be to change the width and height of the elements to be odd as well as the top/left properties.


  • There is no standard solution, too bad.
    You can make the next tricks to avoid an inconsistent displaying of borders with 1px width.

    • make colour of borders slightly transparent, i.e. with alpha <= 0.5. For example border-color: rgba(169, 0, 52, 0.5) I tested this on Android 4.4.2 Chrome & Yabrowser browsers. Works fine!;
    • make width/height of bordered element odd, and shift element position. Here you need to experiment and use JS, saying like:

          var $el = $(this);
          var width = $el.width();
          if(width % 2 == 0){
              $el.css('width', (width+1)+'px');

    • Disable borders if showed on Retina displays or other hires screens. You need to use media query in css like this:

       @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
          div.elemWithBadBorders {
              border: none;

      where 1.5 is pixel density. On Retina displays it appears as 2