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How to get ATG webservices(importFromSiebel,getJobStatus)?

I am doing siebel_atg reference integration. Here I need to do compilation/installation on "siebelBuild.xml". In this step, 2 targets are there. one is "all", another is "all-with-ws". But my requirement is only getting importFromSiebel and getJobStatus Webservices.

Is there way to make web services alone?

Please suggest..


  • I'm the architect of this project. Nice to see someone using it!

    As bated states, the recommended approach is to build the entire module and use only what you need to.

    However, there seems to be a bit of confusion about the properties in the initialServices in the files wrt to the out-bound web-services (i.e. the ones ATG uses to call Siebel).

    Just to clear things up:

    all-with-ws builds the inbound web-services (i.e. the ones which are invoked by Siebel), and these can be found in the SiebelWS sub module. Running 'all' won't build this sub-module.

    WRT the initialServices, the components referenced in those properties files (ABOWebService, etc) refer to a Web Service pooling mechanism. If you drill into the referenced components, you'll see references to PortPool components, the purpose of which is to create an initial pool of WS port stub objects during server startup (as the instantiation of them at run-time is very expensive). Removing these won't stop the out-bound web-service objects from being generated & compiled (indeed we need the generated source to build the project).

    My recommendation is to build all-with-ws and only use the parts of the project you are interested in by extension of the module to customise it. As was stated, changing the Reference Implementation code will make upgrading a nightmare.