I have a model, call it Robot, which has multiple manyToMany relationships with other models - Part, Country and Permision. Relation models being RobotsParts, RobotsCountries and RobotsPermissions.
Each robot can have multiple or no parts, countries and permissions linked to them.
To get all the robots with a certain part, PhalconPHP makes it easy. (aliases being properly set in models, of course).
$part = Part::findFirstByName("arm");
$robotsWithPart = $part->robots;
The same thing applies for robots with a certain country:
$country = Country::findFirstByCode("HR");
$robotsWithCountry = $country->robots;
But how can one get only robots with a certain part, country and permission?
I've had futile attempts like:
$country = Country::findFirstByCode("HR");
$part = Part::findFirstByName("arm");
$robots = $country->getRobots([
'conditions' => "(partId = :pid:)",
'bind' => [
'pid' => $part->id
But, of course, partId is not recognized as it doesn't belong to any of the selected models;
You can use the $model->getRelated('model', $parameters = [])
$parameters = []
works the same as how you would normally query a model. i.e; it takes the parameters order
, limit
, conditions
, ...
$country = Country::findFirstByCode("HR");
$part = Part::findFirstByName("arm");
$robots = $country->getRelated('Robot', ['partId = ' . $part->id]);
You can find this in the documentation
That sounds like it wouldn't be possible. You will have to call a custom query on your Robot
model. Something like this:
$result = Robot::query()
->join('Country', 'Country.id = Robot.countryId')
->join('Part', 'Part.robotId = Robot.id')
->where('Country.code = :code:')
->where('Part.name = :name:')
->bind(['code' => 'HR', 'name' => 'arm'])
You can also use the Querybuilder, if you prefer to use that.