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SIGBUS Error - Assembly for ARM processor on RaspberryPi

I'm learning assembly in my spare time as i'm interested in low level operations. I tried running the code from this tutorial.

The code can be found here and below:

* @file float.s
* @brief simple example of scalar multiplication using the FPU
* Simple example of using the ARM FPU to compute the multiplication result of
* two float values
* @author Christopher D. McMurrough

    .global main
    .func main


    LDR R0, =val1           @ load variable address
    VLDR S0, [R0]           @ load the value into the VFP register

    LDR R0, =val2           @ load variable address
    VLDR S1, [R0]           @ load the value into the VFP register

    VMUL.F32 S2, S0, S1     @ compute S2 = S0 * S1

    VCVT.F64.F32 D4, S2     @ covert the result to double precision for printing
    VMOV R1, R2, D4         @ split the double VFP register into two ARM registers
    BL  _printf_result      @ print the result

    B   _exit               @ branch to exit procedure with no return

    MOV R7, #4              @ write syscall, 4
    MOV R0, #1              @ output stream to monitor, 1
    MOV R2, #21             @ print string length
    LDR R1, =exit_str       @ string at label exit_str:
    SWI 0                   @ execute syscall
    MOV R7, #1              @ terminate syscall, 1
    SWI 0                   @ execute syscall

    PUSH {LR}               @ push LR to stack
    LDR R0, =result_str     @ R0 contains formatted string address
    BL printf               @ call printf
    POP {PC}                @ pop LR from stack and return

result_str:     .asciz      "Multiplication result = %f \n"
exit_str:       .ascii      "Terminating program.\n"
val1:           .float      3.14159
val2:           .float      0.100

I compile the code in the Raspberry Pi doing:

gcc -o float float.s

It compiles without any issues, but when I run it I get the following error:

Program received signal SIGBUS, Bus error.
0x00010428 in main()

I've done some research into what causes a SIGBUS error, and the only thing I can think of here is accessing misaligned memory, however 0x00010428 = 66,600 in decimal which is evenly divisible by 4, so i'm not sure what the issue is.



I get the following:

processor: 0
model name: ARMv6-compatible processor rev 7 (v6l)
BogoMIPS: 2.00
Features: half thumb fastmult vfp edsp java tls
CPU implementer: 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant: 0x0
CPU part: 0xb76
CPU revision: 7

Hardware: BCM2708
Revision: 0002


  • Running the code under gdb show the problem:

    (gdb) b main
    Breakpoint 1 at 0x10424: file float.s, line 16.
    (gdb) r
    Starting program: /home/pi/a.out 
    Breakpoint 1, main () at float.s:16
    16          VLDR S0, [R0]           @ load the value into the VFP register
    (gdb) p /x $r0
    $1 = 0x2064e
    (gdb) n
    Program received signal SIGBUS, Bus error.
    main () at float.s:18
    18          LDR R0, =val2           @ load variable address

    SIGBUS is raised because address 0x2064e is not 4 bytes aligned.

    val1 and val2 are not 4 bytes aligned because their declaration follow string with lengh not multiple of 4.
    One way to solve this problem is to move declaration of float before strings like this :

    val1:           .float      3.14159
    val2:           .float      0.100
    result_str:     .asciz      "Multiplication result = %f \n"
    exit_str:       .ascii      "Terminating program.\n"

    With this modification running the program prints :

    Multiplication result = 0.314159
    Terminating program.