I'm playing with Doug McMahon's Apache PL/SQL Gateway Module (https://oss.oracle.com/projects/mod_owa/dist/documentation/modowa.htm) in a test environment. I'm getting the error below while trying to upload a binary file using the OwaDocTable option. Same code works with mod_plsql.
Error 1460 calling procedure:
ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
The last SQL statement executed was:
begin insert into ATEC2_SCHEMA.UPLOADS (NAME, MIME_TYPE, DOC_SIZE, DAD_CHARSET, LAST_UPDATED, CONTENT_TYPE, BLOB_CONTENT) values (:B1, :B2, :B3, :B4, SYSDATE, 'BLOB', empty_blob()) returning BLOB_CONTENT into :B5; end;
I forgot to specify that my test environment was an old 32 bit linux system with Apache 2.0. I try to replicate the problem in a more modern 64 bit linux system with Apache 2.2 and the app works there. So problem solved.