I have to configure nugets amd VSIX in my visual studio. We are right now doing it manually by adding the package source under Tools -> Options -> Enviroments / Tools -> Options -> Nuget Package manager.
I need to populate the feed/URL for nuget and VSIX automatically when we open Tools -> Options in Visual studio so that the user should just select the respective feed and install it, to remove the manual overhead of adding the url for installing nugets/VSIX.
Nuget gallery can be programmatically configured for the required nuget feed. We have done it by writing a custom control. In our system, under 'AppData' folder, there is a file called Nuget.config.
In this file all the Nuget fields are listed and as a result the user can see those Nuget feeds in Visual Studio -> Tools -> Options -> Enviroments / Tools -> Options -> Nuget Package manager.
To add your Nuget Feed, you just need to modify the Nuget.Config file and add your feed to it. Below is the Code:
public static ActionResult ConfigAdeptNuGetFeed(Session session)
session.Log("*** Begin ConfigAdeptNuGetFeed ***");
var result = ActionResult.Failure;
if (File.Exists(XDocPath))
session.Log("Nuget.config was found in the %appdata% folder.");
var xDoc = new XmlDocument();
var baseNode = xDoc.DocumentElement;
if (baseNode != null)
session.Log($"{baseNode.Name} has {baseNode.ChildNodes.Count} child elements.");
session.Log($"XML before install: {baseNode.OuterXml}");
if (baseNode.ChildNodes.Count >= 2)
//Checks for the AdeptNugetfeed.
var node =
//AdeptFeed not found, adding it.
if (node == null)
session.Log("Adept Feed not present. Adding it now.");
var packageNode = xDoc.GetElementsByTagName("packageSources")[0];
var newElement = xDoc.CreateElement("add");
var xAttribute = xDoc.CreateAttribute("key");
xAttribute.Value = "AdeptNugetFeed";
var xAttributeVal = xDoc.CreateAttribute("value");
xAttributeVal.Value = AdeptInstaller.AdeptNuGetFeedPath;
session.Log("Adept feed is already present. Nothing to do.");
session.Log($"{baseNode.Name} is empty.");
baseNode.InnerXml = AdeptInstaller.NuGetFullConfig;
xDoc.Save(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "Nuget", "Nuget.config"));
session.Log($"XML after install: {baseNode.OuterXml}");
session.Log("NuGet.config file is invalid... abbending.");
throw new XmlException("XML issue with the reading of the nuget.config file.");
result = ActionResult.Success;
catch (Exception exc)
result = ActionResult.Failure;
result = ActionResult.Failure;
return result;