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Mongify Ubuntu 14.04 installing error

I am trying to install mongify in my Ubuntu 14 box, but its throwing some error:

gem install mongify

ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::DependencyError)
Unable to resolve dependencies: mongify requires bson (>= 1.10.2); bson_ext requires bson (~> 1.12.5); mongo requires bson (~> 4.0)

I already have installed mongo db in my machine, which is working fine. Is there a seperate package needed to be installed for BSON?


  • Figured it out, So ubuntu 14 has an inbuilt ruby, which is a lower version. We need a higher version of that. So what we have to do is create an virenv with the higher version.

    1.)Install ruby. Follow the steps in this link (Install using rvm method)

    2.) Install Bundler. gem install bundler

    3.) Install mongify gem install mongify