In Elixir we can get data from nested data structures using
data = %{field: %{other_field: 1}}
If it contains lists it also can be done using
data = %{field: %{other_field: [1]}}
get_in data, [:field, :other_field,]
But how to get that data given that data.field.other_field is a structure?
Both of the above would fail because structs don't implement Access.fetch/2
data = %{field: %{other_field: %Struct{a: 1}}}
So what's the right way to access nested structs data other than pattern matching?
Use Access.key/2
key(key, default \\ nil)
Accesses the given key in a map/struct.
Uses the default value if the key does not exist or if the value being accessed is
iex(1)> defmodule Struct do
...(1)> defstruct [:a]
...(1)> end
iex(2)> data = %{field: %{other_field: %Struct{a: 1}}}
%{field: %{other_field: %Struct{a: 1}}}
iex(3)> get_in data, [:field, :other_field, Access.key(:a)]
iex(4)> get_in data, [:field, :other_field, Access.key(:b, :default)]