I have an excel file with numerous Non-ASCII characters which I would like to replace with the space character.
This text is to be entered into a MySQL database, and it will not import with these characters in the strings. I get a HY000 Incorrect string value
when trying to post the row.
If the set of Non-Ascii characters is fixed you could use:
NewString := StringReplace(OriginalString,#1#4,' ',[rfReplaceAll])
where #1#4 is the non-ascii characters you want to have replaced.
Here is some docs on it's use.
You could also do this.
function StripNonAlpha(aInput : String) : String;
I : Integer;
result := aInput;
for I := 1 to length(result) do
if not CharInSet(result[I],['A'..'Z','a'..'z']) then
result[I] := ' ';
Then you can change Set in CharInSet to the acceptable characters.