I'm trying to include SSL on my gitlab pages site, and it says I need to first install the Pages daemon. However, I'm not sure where to start: is cd /home/git
a home directory on my Mac where I'm supposed to have git installed?
When I do git --version
it says git version 2.7.4 (Apple Git-66)
however I'm not seeing a folder "git" inside my home directory. Any ideas on how I'd get into the /home/git
\o/ Great! I got this certificate from StartSSL Class 1, check this tutorial to know how did I do this: https://about.gitlab.com/2016/06/24/secure-gitlab-pages-with-startssl/.
The free domain name I got from here: http://www.freenom.com/.
You can have them working together in a blink of your eyes! ;)
Also, you can use CloudFlare certs, the tricky part is explained here: https://gitlab.com/pages/pages.gitlab.io/issues/21
Hope it helps! Let me know if you need anything else.
You can always ask creating an issue here:https://gitlab.com/pages/pages.gitlab.io/issues/new - feel free to mention me directly if you want (@virtuacreative) :)